Thursday 24 July 2014

An Experiment In Education

    Legend has it that Patrick McGoohan loved the episode of ‘The General.’ He thought that was exactly what he wanted to do. It was his cup of tea, as it was put at the time.    Lewis Griefer, author of the episode, which he wrote under a pseudonym of Joshua Adam, his sons' names. The idea for the story line came from Griefer because of the way the educational system failed to meet his sons' needs. It appeared to Griefer that the amount of rote information being squeezed into their heads, did little for their imaginations and even less for their intelligence. Well I'm not at all sure that Speedlearn leaves much to the imagination, nor can Speedlearn teach the student anything parctical like woodwork. All it does is fill the head with facts and information! Speedlearn teaches when, but not what, or even why!



  1. "Well I'm not at all sure that Speedlearn leaves much to the imagination, nor can Spedlearn teach the student anything parctical like woodwork. "

    As well as misspelling 'Speedlearn', you have completely missed Greifer's point.

    1. A.N.Other Anonymous24 July 2014 at 08:47

      It's more that you didn't want to get the point of the blog entry, I guess. Basically it's saying that Griefers speedlearn is similar to the system that failed to educate his son.

    2. All I can say is, instead of critisizing David all the time, nit picking and the like, why don't you add something intelligent for a change, perhaps you would care to say what it was, the point Griefer was making.

      Roger and out
      John Darke
