Monday 1 September 2014

Quote For The Day

    "Subject shows great enthusiasm for his work. He's utterly devoted and loyal. Is this a man who suddenly walks out?
    "I didn't walk out, I resigned!"
    "People change, exactly, so do loyalties."
    "Not mine."
                            {The new Number 2 and the Prisoner - Arrival}
    'Once Upon A Time is partially autobiographical, containing some details of Patrick McGoohan's life. The above is also suggestive of McGoohan's life. His enthusiasm for his work, that being 'Danger Man.' He's utterly devoted and loyal, that would be to Lew Grade. And that's right, he didn't walk out he resigned, resigned from the role of John Drake - Danger Man, and it was Lew Grade to whom he handed his resignation. But not without maintaining his devotion and loyalty to Lew Grade by suggesting a new television production, 'the Prisoner' which Lew Grade saw as being a follow on series to 'Danger Man.' Which Patrick McGoohan was quick to deny. There is no doubt that McGoohan did remain loyal to Grade, after all through 'Danger Man' Lew Grade had made Patrick McGoohan a household name. And yet, might there not have been a bit of the mercenary about McGoohan, in that he was just using him, Lew Grade, in order to get 'the Prisoner' produced? After 'the Prisoner' Patrick McGoohan never worked for Lew Grade again.

Be seeing you

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