Monday 1 September 2014

The Therapy Zone

     If Number 6 had been accepted as a new Number 2, he might have attempted to dismantle The Village's infrastructure, administration and the like, to rip out the mechanics of The Village if you like. That final scene of 'Dance of the Dead' with the teleprinter, its mechanics having been ripped out, suddenly bursting back into life, is suggestive of what would happen if Number 6 had tried. The Village would survive no matter what!

   When the Prisoner was under surveillance in his London home, there was a camera behind the mirror. In the bathroom of his cottage in The Village, there’s a camera behind that mirror! Blimey, they really thoroughly copied his home, didn't they! What if all the other cameras were in the same places as in the London home, too?  Now there’s a thought!

   No 7 in The Village.....7 people attempted to escape in 'Checkmate.' There's that number again. It would seem there are more sevens in The Village than is dreamt!

   If No.1 is supposed to be the alter-ego of No.6, the darker side to his nature, then I should think that No.1 knew the reason behind the Prisoner's resignation long before he was brought to the village. But having brought the Prisoner-No.6 to The Village, perhaps for darker motivations, so as to break his alter-ego in No.6. So as to stop his resigning from The Village in the first place.

Be seeing you


  1. Don't forget there are 7 letters in Village

    1. Hello Anonymous,
      Oh heck! Never thought of that one, and its so obvious. A friend of mine has made a catalogue of the ways the number 7 appears in 'the Prisoner,' beginning with the Lotus 7 and working through the series. I wonder if she has this one amongst her list?

      Very kind regards

  2. I'd bet she hasn't. Why didn't we come up with that earlier? It's obvious but that's why. Hiding something valuable in a very populated place: the Village. - BCNU!

    1. Hello Arno,
      She does now!

      Very kind regards

  3. "Hiding something valuable in a very populated place: the Village"
    Absolutely, yes.
    Thanks, Anonymous! Plus, I just counted the letters and numbers in Number 6.. guess what!
    Very kind regards,

    1. Hello Jana,
      Well that's one way, but not of its Number Six. That would make it 9, yet when you invert 9 it becomes something else......6! Fun messing about with things in this way isn't it?

      Very kind regards

    2. Absolutely! :)
      Very kind regards,

  4. None of this explains why we never see the number 7 in the Village as a badge or as a number on the information display. We hear of numbers that include 7 but never see it.

    1. Hello Anonymous,
      There is an extra in the series who wears a badge incorperating the number 7, 27 I think it was. And someone somewhere told me they had seen someone wearing the number 7 badge, but I've yet to find that person in the series.
      I read that Patrick McGoohan said that the reason for the lack of "7" in The Village is due to it being a lucky number.
      As a matter of fact we do see the number 73, on Number 73's grave in 'Hammer Into Anvil.' Although Number 73 doesn't wear her badge in the opening scene of the episode. It seems that they did their very best to obliterate the number 7 wherever they could, in The Village!

      Very kind regards

    2. Hi David,

      I wonder if they did this deliberately: put the lucky Number on the grave.

      Very kind regards,

    3. Hello Jana,
      Well anything is possible. After all they need not have given the woman the number 73, they could easily have given her a number not containg the digit 7, then 73 would never have appeared on the screen!

      Very kind regards
