Tuesday 11 November 2014

A Favourite Scene In The Prisoner

  When Number 6 and Monique go to see her father in order for Number 6 to try and make him see reason, if he is still able to do so.
   Number 51, the watchmaker, asks Number 6 if his watch has stopped again, but its running fine. Monique tries to talk her father out of the anarchist plot against Number 2. He thinks she sees him as a madman. She begs her father to give it up for her sake, using emotional blackmail. But he’s a stubborn, and determined old man, who is sick of his daughter’s begging and whining, and there’ll be no more of it, no more. What Number 50 is doing is for principle, he sees that they are in the prison of The Village for life, all of them, but he has met no-one in The Village who has committed a crime. He is going to protest in a manner they cannot ignore. Number 6 suggests some other way, not by an act of murder. But Number 50 sees it differently, assassination! Number 50 can call it what he likes, the important matter is that the entire Village will be punished. But maybe it’s what they need to wake them up, to shake them up out of their lethargy, to make them angry enough to fight. Always assuming they survive the punishment. Number 50 tells Number 6 and his daughter that they’ll never understand. But Monique tells her father that it is he who doesn’t understand. But the watchmaker must get back to his work, he must be ready……”Must get on with my work.” That line is one of my favourite lines from the whole series, I always think of it to myself when I’m at my busiest…………must get on with my work!

Be seeing you

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