Tuesday 11 November 2014


    Number 6 is determined to escape The Village, but if he knew where he was sailing from, he could calculate where he was sailing to. It is Nadia who supplies Number 6 with the location of The Village, behind the Iron curtain in Lithuania, thirty miles from the Polish border. A little over 30 miles in fact, along the coast of Kaliningrad, which lies between Lithuania and Poland. Apparently she has a contact man, as further along the coast there’s a little fishing village, Braniewo, which resists The Village. There’s a little Resistance group that she knows, she has a contact man. So that, according to Nadia’s story, would make him the man in the cave, Nadia’s contact man, a fisherman. Was he there all the time, this fisherman, waiting in the cave on the off-chance Nadia would make contact? And how was Nadia expected to make such contact with either the people in the little fishing village of Braniewo, or the man in the cave, when she had been a prisoner in The Village for six weeks? I suppose Nadia could have contacted members of the Resistance group before she was abducted. But then where would she know where she would be taken? And if Nadia knew she was going to be abducted in the first place, she could have taken steps to avoid it in the second place!
   As for the little fishing village, what would people be doing there resisting The Village which was thirty miles away in another country? And why should the administration of The Village concern itself with a little insignificant fishing village in another country? Perhaps it’s the Russians the group are resisting, that The Village is behind the Iron Curtain, and it’s the KGB who run The Village!
   This “fisherman” is very well organised, as he already has a schedule worked out for the journey from there to London, via Copenhagen, and Gadansk/Danzig. Who told him that, Number 2? Because Nadia couldn’t, not if she’s supposed to be a prisoner in The Village! And Number 6 is very trusting when it comes to Nadia’s story. Trusting? More like he’s blinded by the desire to escape, than to how the situation really is. Never once did he ask Nadia how she was able to get a message out of The Village to her contact man in the cave, and the fact that the so called Resistance were waiting for her! Never once did he ask how that one man was to move that large crate all on his own, and why was the crate ready for two people? Perhaps he simply took it for granted that other members of this so called “resistance group” would turn up and help Karel. But Number 6 is perhaps not quite so trusting, and Karel a little naive in giving Number 6 his wrist watch so that he could time the journey to London. Mind you even if Number 6’s wrist watch had not become waterlogged during the swim he was forced to make, the end result would surely still have been the same. After all, the man in the cave was Post 5 working for The Village, and because of that, Number 6’s watch would have been set at the same time as the wrist watch given to him, and would have still have shown English time synchronising with Big Ben at eight o’clock!

Be seeing you

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