Thursday 13 November 2014

Bureau of Visual Records

  “Thank god I’m Home!”
   But is she? We know that Nadia wakes up in a room in which she thinks is her own home, I guess every new arrival goes through what Nadia did, certainly Number Six had done. Watching Nadia wake up must have seemed just like old times, because Nadia isn’t home at all, she is in The Village!
   How do we know that the room in which Nadia woke up is an exact replica of her own home? We only have Number 2’s word for that, and besides Nadia was merely playing a role. The room she woke up in could have been any room. Certainly the telephone was French, or continental. And the furnishing and fittings looked to be continental, there’s even an arch, Number 6’s cottage has an arch. And when Nadia looked out of the window, she was faced with much the same view as Number 6 on the day of his arrival in The Village. On the whole we have to accept that the room is an exact replica of Nadia’s own room. Yet Nadia could have been put in any room, what difference would it have made, Number 6 would never have known whether the room was right or not. There is one thing that can be said of The Village, they make new arrivals very comfortable to wake up in that they think is their own room or house. Its psychological I suppose, to help soften the blow for new arrivals waking up in The Village.



  1. Dear David
    Actually it was a replica of my own home! Well mostly – they didn’t quite go to town unlike the genuine inmates of the Village who would probably be there for a long time. They thought it would be more authentic if I came round in familiar surroundings rather than in a strange place. It’s very nicely furnished isn’t it, not too cluttered! They wouldn't let me bring my cat though – he’s a beautiful Persian and I really missed him while I was there. Still, at least I had my Big Bill!

    1. Hello Nadia,
      Looking at it again, your cottage does have an east European look about it. And if the fixtures and fittings, furniture and the like are all authentic to you, then they did very well shipping all those to The Village, seeing as The Village is nowhere near the Baltic, let alone behind the Iron Curtain!
      However, you did well and I hope someone was looking after your cat whilst you were away. Big Bill, Big Ben the flowerpot men!

      Very best regards
