Thursday 20 November 2014

I’m not one of them!

   No, no-one is. And yet there are so many of them, and strangely enough Monique, or rather Number 50 is one such damsel in distress who did not betray Number 6! 
     Number 50 went looking for Number 6’s help, and he spurned her at first, after all he been bitten before, and so is forever shy. But they are not shy, they love to listen. And so the Observers who see and hear everything, now know all about the assassination plot. The only trouble is, so does the Supervisor-Number 26, and he happens to be in on it!
   So Number 6 was right to be suspicious at first, and yet he could do nothing but involve himself in the plot. Oh not to see that its carried out, but to sabotage the assassination plot! So why does Number 6 care? Oh he doesn’t care what happens to Number 2, it’s the citizens he’s concerned about. He wants to protect them from almost certain mass reprisals for the assassination of the retiring Number 2. It would appear that by the time of ‘It’s Your Funeral’ Number 6 has grown a conscience. Its no wonder that Number 2 of ‘Once Upon A Time’ asked Number 6 why he cared. Of course he might have been referring to old times, and 6’s relationship with Number 8! But its like Number 6 said “You’ll never know.” with hindsight it could be to do with Number 6 being the alter ego of Number 1. That Number 6 was there to counter the machinations of Number 1 for the good of The Village. The only trouble with that is, at the time of ‘Once Upon A Time,’ no-one knew who Number 1 was!

Be seeing you

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