Friday 21 November 2014

Playing The Game

   “Good morning Number Twelve.”
    “Be seeing you” Number 12 salutes in response.
    “Good morning Number Twelve.”
    “Yes why do you call me Number Twelve?”
    “Well that’s what you were called the last time I saw you.”

   Number 36, pushing an elderly man in a wheelchair, was in the right place at the right time, as Number 6/12 was just passing by on his way to the Green Dome. This in the same way as the Sikh-Number ??? who was just passing by ‘12 Private’ as Number 6/12 was emerging from the cottage. Just two people, two apparently ordinary citizens, to help impress upon Number 6, that he is Number 12! They are not intrinsic to the plan, but they do play their part nonetheless for that. 

Be seeing you

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