Tuesday 1 September 2015

Dance of The Dead

    In which Number 6 makes use of a dead body, the idea being that he uses it as a buoy in order to get a message to someone, anyone in the outside World.
    Even though its Carnival time, the citizens dressed in fancy dress costumes, and despite the fact that there will be music, dancing, and happiness…by order, they still take on the persona of brain dead people.
    Roland Walter Dutton eventually has a termination order served against him, but it’s too late. The doctor-Number 40 in his enthusiasm for experimentation has gone too far with Dutton, leaving him a brain dead imbecile! A perfect qualification for a place on the local Town Council!
   And the Ball in the evening, which originally had everyone there taking part in a frenzied dance of death, which resulted in everyone dying except Number 6, which would have given the impression that Number 6 had become death! And yet later in the series Number 6 would face a Girl who was Death!
   And the teleprinter, that died a death at the hands of Number 6, and yet for the machine there was resurrection!

Be seeing you

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