Monday 14 September 2015

Keeping The Prisoner!

   How do you store your collection, and material relating to ‘the Prisoner? Years ago I used to have paper material stored in folders, box files, and ring-binders, placed in my study on bookshelves. They contained everything I could collect on the subject of ‘the Prisoner.’ From Six of One: The Prisoner appreciation society to TV and film magazines. I collected magazine and newspaper cuttings. Even material which wasn’t strictly to do with ‘the Prisoner’ but was nevertheless Prisoneresque. They also contained letters from correspondents from all over Britain, and Europe to some extent. Pictures and posters of the series adorned the walls of my study, videos stood upon the shelves, as did tapes and cd soundtracks of the series. I never had anything stored away in a dark cupboard for fear of the sun getting to it and fading video covers, for example. What would be the point in that, I would never be able to look upon them. In fact much of my collection to do with ‘the Prisoner’ was on display. Village candles, Village buildings made from resin. Numerous die-cast vehicles connected to the series, even the Scammell Highwayman transporter lorry had a cage on its trailer! There was a letter box, a model of St. Stephen’s tower, a Lotus Seven, Village taxi, a Route master double-decker bus, along with a few others.
   However time marches on, and attitudes change, what is more, the collected material, and the collection as a whole, had become very large indeed. Files marked Village Post of which there are many. Others marked the Prisoner, or ESCAPE, as well as Information. badges, mugs, postcards etc all placed in safe boxes. And eventually the majority of collection was boxed up and is now stored carefully away in the archive, situated either in the cellar, or in the cupboard on the landing! While some material, magazines, books etc, etc remains in a cabinet for reference purposes. Videos, DVD’s, and cd’s sit upon shelves. But no pictures or posters of ‘the Prisoner’ adorn the walls now. Well their day had come and gone.

Be seeing you

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