Friday 16 December 2016

Anti-social That’s Our Friend No.6!

    During the opening scene of ‘A Change of Mind,’ it looks like Number 6 is in training for the “big break.” But why doesn’t he use The Village gymnasium? According to Number 6 he prefers privacy, but that could be deemed as anti-social behaviour. And yet Number 6 is seen using the same homemade gymnastic apparatus in the woods during his daily activity prognosis in ‘It’s Your Funeral.’
   Number 6 has used the Village gymnasium, but only on two occasions. Once when he shoots it out, and fences with his “economy pack” counterpart in ‘The Schizoid Man.’ The second time was during his daily Kosho practice in ‘It’s Your Funeral,’ although I suppose it could be said that Number 6 used the gymnasium on three occasions, the third time during ‘Hammer Into Anvil’ when Number 6 is challenged to a bout of Kosho by Number 14, even though both Kosho matches are one and the same. And yet Number 6’s daily activity prognosis indicates that he uses the gymnasium on semi-weekly basis {twice a week} for his Kosho practice. And yet at
7:30am Number 6 has a physical workout using his homemade gymnastic apparatus. One can train as a gymnast in solitude, however Kosho is not something Number 6 can practice alone, he requires an opponent. But semi-weekly, what’s Number 6 practicing Kosho for, is there to be a Kosho tournament, if not then what’s the point?

Be seeing you

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