Friday 16 December 2016

Thought For The Day

    I can understand why Number 6 asked Mrs. Butterworth if he could see the logbook of the Lotus Seven. He wanted to see proof of ownership, the same as when he asked to see the lease of the house. The lease of the house which still had six months to run when he had possession, even though the estate agents named on the lease were not the ones he did business with. What I cannot understand is, why the need for a new logbook for the Lotus Seven! What happened to the old one? Was it really necessary to expunge Number 6’s name from even that? It’s not as though the television viewer would have been able to read the previous owner’s name of the logbook. Perhaps those who organized the new log book, as well as the new lease of the house, didn’t want Mrs. Butterworth reading the name of the previous owner of the Kar. But I cannot imagine why not. Unless it was thought that either Number 6 or Mrs. Butterworth would let slip his name by mistake!

Be seeing you

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