Tuesday 17 July 2018

A Favourite Scene In Checkmate

    “Love? You’re crazy!”
    “Yes about you.”
    “You don’t even know me!”
    “I know how I feel.”
    “Who put you onto this?”
    “Nobody…….how can you doubt me?”
    “It’s easy and I’m waterproof, a slight drizzle won’t wash away my doubts so don’t try.”
    “I only want to be near you.”
    “Everybody’s near in this place, far too near!”
    “Do you think they’ll ever release us?”
    “Let me know, I shan’t be around.”
    “Why do you want to risk your life, we could be happy together.”
    It’s a nice little scene, but Number 6 has already had one tearful encounter with the maid on the day of his arrival in The Village. He wasn’t fooled then, and he’s not fooled now. He knows that someone put Number 8 up to making her declaration of love. Number 8 doesn’t know Number 6, but if she did, would she like him in her non-drugged state of mind? Number 6 places a good deal on his own company, his privacy, and sees everyone in The Village as being far too near for his comfort. As for Number 8 asking the question “Do you think they’ll ever release us?” The answer is no. They can’t risk letting so many people leave The Village free to talk about their experience! And as for a slight drizzle not washing away his doubts, just watch the following scene, when in the evening Number 8 is happy to make Number 6 his night cap of hot chocolate. By the end of that little scene Number 6 seems to have mellowed towards Number 8. Or is that my imagination?

Be seeing you

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