Tuesday 17 July 2018


    I had not realized that the web cams at Portmeirion are now back up and running, a friend of mine sent me the following link a few days ago.

    Technology-wise Portmeirion has caught up with the 21st  century! I have to say it’s nice to see parts of Portmeiron with such clarity, and with a slightly wider scope. And yet, in years gone by Portmeirion was a place where you could go and be completely anonymous. It used to be a place for privacy. After all Edward VIII and Mrs. Wallace Simpson went to stay at Portmeirion in order to get away from the attention they had attracted. That sort of thing could never happen today, because Portmeirion is now open to viewing by anyone anywhere in the world! How ironic that is, when thought of in terms of The Village!

Be seeing you

1 comment:

  1. I wouldn't overstate the disadvantage of the improved image quality, David. The view is much clearer, that's true, and in a way it fascinates. A bit like life becomes even more real when viewed on a screen, as put in Kubrick's "A Clockwork Orange". But as the management has always stated, it still isn't possible to peer through windows. And, judging by people in front of No. 2's residence the Green Dome, no face can either be recognised properly. But, yes, one may be able to tell individuals apart, provided you know them well, just by the way they walk. Because that's the real improvement here, now it's a live-stream of images, almost like a film to watch. - BCNU!
