Tuesday 12 March 2019

Citizen No.54

    The General seemed a little sour that day because he had just been checkmated in 7 moves by Number 6. He sees Number 6 as a fool, telling him he’ll be in the village for as long as he lives. So he might as well settle down, that there’s no point in being uncooperative. The General doesn’t see the point in fighting battles he can’t win, who sounds like an advocate for the Village. But then perhaps he went to the village of his own free will, but that’s being impudent of Number 6 to suggest such a thing. But was there a time when the General was not cooperative? He wears his military cap like the postman in Dance of the Dead because that’s what he did in his previous life. He wishes he had had Number 6 in his regiment, but Number 6 was far too young to be in military service during WWII, and yet not too young for the Korean War at the age of 22. So why was the General taken to the village? There’s a story there, one that takes us out of the confines of the village!

Be seeing you

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