Thursday 14 March 2019

Quote For The Day

    “Hello, nice to be seeing you all again.”
                     {Madam Professor – The General}
    It’s a nice turn of phrase used by Madam Professor, who was on village television filling in for a few minutes, conveying her husband, the Professor’s, apologies for detaining them for a few moments. Apparently the huge success of the 3 year history course has put an added strain upon the Professor, and is just completing his notes on the second lecture. Well that’s all fine and dandy, but how can Madam Professor “Be seeing you all again?” Are televisions sets in the village two way, you can see Madam Professor and she can see you? Or perhaps she’s sitting in front of a whole bank of television screens enabling her to see all the students in the village!
   It’s difficult to keep calling her Madam Professor and her husband the Professor. But they don’t have numbers, let alone names. What’s more they are permitted to wear their own clothes rather than regular village attire, because they are not permitted to go out into the village!

Be seeing you

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