Thursday 3 November 2022



    Fans of the Prisoner may recall Edward Fordham's two excellent compilation books of 'Prisoner' articles published five years ago.
    Edward passed away before the third volume, which was to have included pieces about the final five episodes of The Prisoner, this and the impact the finale had on viewers, could be produced.
    With the blessing of Edward's partner, The Unmutual website’s Rick Davy will be completing the editing of the third volume and it will be published in Ed's memory, in aid of Ty Gobaith Hospice and Mind (The Mental Health Charity).
    Rick is therefore wanting to know if YOU would like to put pen to paper, or even fingers to keyboard, and write about one of those final five episodes, what you feel it/they mean, symbolise, and how they or the series as a whole has affected you! Articles are already in place from several contributors, yet more is welcome.

    For more information click on the link and go to the Unmutual

And scroll down

Be seeing you

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