Thursday 5 May 2011

Downright Daft!

   The Prisoner, irritated by the incessant music being played through a loudspeaker which he cannot turn off, he then tramples to pieces under foot. An Electrician arrives to make a repair. The Prisoner observes that the truck the electrician drives is a bit slow, to which the electrician responds "In an emergency, we walk!"  I mean what's the point in having a vehicle slower than a man can walk? It's not downright daft - it's downright ridiculous! Mind you, having said that the whole episode of The Girl Who Was Death is wholy downright daft, but it does relieve the tension in the series, of what has gone before, and that for which is yet to come, and fun into the bargain.
    In the Cat & Mouse night club in the Village, there is an automated drum kit, but the music is piped into the club through loudspeakers. There is also a plaster lion set on a pedastal, which turns both this way and that. Well obviously this isn't quite as daft as it reads. Because the Lion is probably a Village representation of Metro Goldwyn Mayor - MGM, another in-joke perhaps!
   During the epsiode of It's Your Funeral, No.6 sits to have his portrait painted by an eccentric artist-No.118. When it's done, the artist shows No.6 his portrait and asks "What do you think?" "A perfect likeness!" But the portrait is nothing like No.6, it's an abstract painting! This is not downright daft - it's pure lunacy! Or on the other hand, as Madam Professor might have said in The General "He's creating a fresh concept!"
    Kosho seen in both episodes of Hammer Into Anvil and It's Your Funeral, well you can't get much dafter than this. Two men in Cossack garb, wearing crash helmets and different coloured boxing mits, bounding on two trampolines over a tank of water. The first man to dunk his opponant into the tank of water is the winner. I wonder what Patrick McGoohan was on when he devised that sport? Mind you, it would make a super Olympic, don't be daft!


  1. Hi David
    I think all these things are part of the charm of the series, and after all there are things in everyday life that are totally daft and pointless. But wouldn’t life be boring without them!
    Incidentally, re the plaster lion from the Cat & Mouse drumkit – there is a house I ride past on my way to work which has a lion statue just like this over the door, and it always reminds me of this scene. Cheers me up on a miserable morning!
    Be seeing you!

    1. Hello Nadia,
      Yes these things do give the series a certain charm, and 'the Prisoner' probably wouldn't be the same without them. That's interesting about the lion statue. Where I live the Town Hall clock has the same tone of bell as heard in The Village, which is eerie to hear, if I happen to wake up in the early hours and hear the Town Hall clock chime. And makes me think I'm in The Village when I'm in town and hear the clock chime.

      Very best regards
