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Thursday 5 July 2012

The Therapy Zone

Rover - The Village Guardian
    It seems improbable that the whole of the Village Guardian was destroyed in the blast of the rocket as it was launched in ‘Fall Out.’ What you see is one piece, one segment of the whole mass of the Guardian. As we observed during both ‘The Chimes of Big Ben’ and ‘Free For All,’ when in the water Nadia-No.8 is returned to the shore after she tries to escape by swimming away. And No.6, after leaping into the water out of the boat, that they were both brought back by three different sized guardians. More than that, in Arrival we see that the Guardian can be as small as a ping-pong ball, or as large as six feet in circumference. Remember that when the Village Guardian is activated, a white membranic sphere always appears from the bottom of the Sea. While the whole mass of the guardian remains in a containment area at the bottom of the sea, it can release a segment or segments of itself as Guardians, independent of the whole mass.........I think.

Point Of Observation
During that episode of ‘The Schizoid Man,’ it comes to a point of fisty-cuffs outside the Recreation Hall between No.6 and No.12. No.6 punches No.12, or is it the other way round, to the ground. The ground is wet and sandy, yet when No.6 or No.12 gets up off the ground his attire is unsoiled!

The Watchmaker
   I can understand why some people were brought to the village, but why the little Watchmaker? Perhaps he came to the village of his own free-will, if so, the village and its community must have come as a shock to him and his wife. I say wife, because there has to have been a wife at some point. Other wise are we to assume that his daughter Monique came with her father to the village, again of her own free-will?
   As for the Watchmakers wife, and mother to Monique, she must have died in the village, meaning that Monique was actually born in the village, whether of not the Watchmakers wife came to the village with him, or they met here in the village.
    If Monique-No.50, the watchmakers daughter in ‘It’s Your Funeral’, was as I suspect, born in the village. Then all human feeling is not lost in the village, as the Watchmaker-No.51 and his wife, secretly named his daughter Monique. Well as we know, no names are used in the village!

Something of a curiosity
   In the episode of Is Your Funeral, we have the watchmaker-No.51, and his daughter Monique-No.50. But 50 comes before 51, so how did they arrive at such numbers?
   The answer lies in the availability of numbers at the time. Yet it would seem that someone deep in the administration of the Village, took himself or herself to give Monique the number 50. So with her father being No.51, it made their numbers as relative as father and daughter!   Well it’s a nice theory anyway.

Be seeing you

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