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Thursday 8 November 2012


   11-12 was astounded that anyone would have the audacity to watch him! "Who would do such a thing, and why? 11-12 was afraid that if he was being watched, then his father might find out about his relationship with 909, if he didn't know about it already. So one of them had to go, seeing as how it wasn't going to be 11-12, it had to be, rather selfishly on the part of 11-12 I thought, but it had to be 909, who I thought accepted his ultimate death rather well really..........unless 909 knew that to suffer a Village Death would mean his release from the Village back to that "Other Place." After all 909 was a dreamer, wasn't he?
   11-12 went out into the desert, and in his desperation threw away the key to Two's pill cabinet.............I wonder how it was that 11-12 was able to recall where it was, in the desert, that he threw the key away? And as 11-12 scrambled about in the sand desperately searching for the key, it was the desert itself which gave up the key! Or was it that even in her awakened state of mind, that 11-12's mother still retained some power over The Village, and it was her that made the desert give up the key!
    I like all the cars and vans which feature in The Village, all from a bygone age. But the American Dodge recovery truck is curiously right hand drive! The Morris Minors I remember with a fondness. In fact there's a Morris Minor which can be seen in the London part of the opening sequence of the original series. The Morris Minor is behind the Prisoner in his Lotus, just having driven passed the Houses of Parliament to turn right into Abingdon Street. In fact the wife of a friend was in London on the day that part of the opening sequence of the Priosner was being filmed, and she was driving a Morris Minor at the time, a Morris Minor with a split windscreen, just like the car in the Prisoner. It cannot be proved...........but it might be my friends wife inadvertently appeared in 'the Prisoner!'
    11-12 desperately searched for the key to the pill cabinet he threw away, that was before he realised that without his mother's sedated, subconscious state of mind, he would cease to exist. Lucky for 11-12 that he remembered about where in the desert he threw that key away, or was his mother helping him? But it did appear that it was the desert giving up the key! Otherwise he may never have found it again!

    I was wondering that if two times Six and Six are one and the same, how come Six has the cut on his cheek? Obviously it's to help the viewer identify between the two, but all the same Six would have had to cut himself. and it must have come as quite a shock for Six to discover that he helped create The Village, that he is responsible for sending all those people to The Village, even if it was inadvertently.
    In the church when Six discovers Two just sitting there, Two wants Six to kill him, No.6 couldn't do it, and neither it seems could his predecessor! Because this scene is obviously acknowledging the scene from Once Upon A Time when No.2 wanted No.6 to kill him. And I liked the way Two looked up at the Penny Farthing hanging from the ceiling in the Go Inside Bar, and gave a slight chuckle. Two paying homage to the past, to what once was? I think so.
   Two, or was it un-Two, got a slice of his favourite cherry cake again. He enjoyed a cigarette with the Shopkeeper, and told 147, the taxi driver that he had no number, that he was a numberless traveller. This I think, Two was demonstrating his eccentric side to his character, and he knew what he was going to do, as the message about anyone going about impersonating Two should be reported immediately. And that's what the Shopkeeper did, both when Six came to see him about the receipt, and after he had shared a cigarette with Two. On the telephone immediately to report to Two at the Clinic. This is another homage paid to the original series, as when the Shopkeeper in Hammer Into Anvil, when he reports the activities of No.6 to No.2. And since when was Two driven about in a Bentley convertible? One of his guardians was going to drive Two in the car, but Two said "I'll walk today," Two riding in the Bentley convertible, something we obviously haven't been privy to! And there are no knives sold in The Village, such tools must still be against the law!
    So, is Summakor in New York, or The Village? I thought The Village, but it appears I'm wrong, because seeing as how Six entered the Summakor building in New York, and seeing as how he could see The Village, and two times Six, then the two towers are actually near The Village. And once Michael had disovered what was going on within Summerkor, he resigned, and was then thrown out and left somewhere out in the desert, which is how you first see Michael waking up in the desert at the outset of Arrival. But I'm still wondering what it was 313 was running from in that long, dark, steel tunnel of the Summakor building, and how she was able to enter a building with nothing on the other side of those glass doors!


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