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Wednesday 6 March 2013

60 Second Interview With The Man Behind The Desk

 “So you're the man to whom the Prisoner handed in his resignation letter to.”
    “The Prisoner, ah but you'd know him better as ZM73.”
    “Oh him!”
    “You didn't like him?”
    “Well he came storming in here mouthing off at me..... look just who are you?”
    “I'm not important. He had a lot to say for himself then?”
    “He went on about being sick and bloody tired of having to clear up other peoples mess, and doing other peoples dirty work..... look how did you get in here?”
    “That doesn't matter now. Angry was he, in a fit of temper was he?”
    “Bloody furious! Slammed an envelope down on my desk, slammed his fist down after it and upset my tea cup, saucer and tea plate he did!”
    “Did you open the envelope?”
    “Why not?”
    “Not my place.”
    “Whose place was it then?”
    “Look I think you'd better get out of here.”
     “One more question. Why is it Jonathan Peregrine Danvers is sat behind that desk at one point and not you?”
    “Because I resigned!”
   "You have two telephones."
   "You must be very important."
   "Not really."
   "Yes I can see that. Is that all you have to do, the Times Crossword?"
   "I'm on my teabreak!"
   "Who has a pink telephone?"
   "I do!"
     {It was at this point that the man sat behind the desk pressed a button on his desk and a pair of grey double doors opened behind me. Two burly looking men entered, and taking me by the arms and shoulders ejected me from the building.}

Reporter No.113
Photograph by No.113b

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