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Wednesday 6 March 2013

The Therapy Zone

    The Question Was Once Asked - Why Isn't No.6 brainwashed like Dutton and the others?
    Well really No.6 is far too important, indeed No 2 of ‘Dance of the Dead’ sees No.6 in having a future with The Village. As for the "brainwashing" of Roland Walter Dutton," that was a mistake. The doctor-No.40, in not believing Dutton when he told them he doesn't know any more, that he hadn't access to the "vital stuff," had simply gone too far with his experiments on Dutton.

   In the episode of ‘Checkmate’ there is a game of human chess taking place. The Rook suddenly makes a move of his own "Check!" he shouts, placing the opposing King in check. This is the cult of the individual, according to the white Queen, and according to my following of the game as best I could, the black king had 'castled' with the black Kings Rook, and so the white Rook placing the black King in check, was impossible anyway!

It's A Question Of Rejection
   No.6, so he says didn't accept, he rejected! He asked No.2 why he accepted? But what exactly was it that No.6 had rejected? His job, from which he had resigned? Well of course he had resigned, but from what? And what had caused this loyal man, who was once completely devoted to his work to resign? In my opinion, and it is only my opinion, that the Prisoner all begins with ‘Fall Out,’ and don't forget that ‘Once Upon A Time’ was originally a much earlier episode in the screening order. So that when during their deliberations during once Upon A time, it is quite possible that when No.6 says that he didn't accept, that he "rejected," No.6 could be talking about the offer of ultimate power offered to him during Fall Out. Because if the Prisoner all began with Fall Out, then Once Upon A Time would follow sometime after Fall Out! And it would make sense that what took place in that final episode made the Prisoner go and hand in his letter of resignation. What about the ex-No.2? Didn't he reject The Village, and said that he wouldn't be hypnotised by Number One anymore? Well I know, but I never said this theory was perfect!

    Village history can be a very contradictory thing. If you will recall, those readers who have actually watched this series, how 1,100 stated that "There is no Number One. There has never been a Number One, and there never will be." But there was One, for Six is the One, who became the new Two. You see Mister Gallagher, there's still something to be  squeezed out of this series. Not all the loose ends were tied up in a nice pink ribbon I'm pleased to say.

   I wonder why it is that Roland Walter Dutton was surprised to see his ex-colleague? "You, of all people!" Dutton said at meeting No,6 on the beach outside the cave in ‘Dance of the Dead.’ Perhaps Dutton thought that No.6 was the one person he wouldn't meet in The Village, being clever enough to out manoeuvre them to see himself brought to The Village. Or perhaps it is more likely that Dutton thought No.6 had killed the man on the beach, and is working for The Village, "You of all people!" said Dutton,

Be seeing you

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