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Saturday 3 May 2014

Thought For The Day

   I know the reason for so many different No.2’s, to make it impossible for No.6 to strike up a rapport with No.2. Well there seems to be something of a rapport between No,.6 and No.2 during ‘The Chimes of Big Ben,’ and further did they think that it was impossible for two men to spend a whole week, locked together in a room without striking up a rapport? As No.2 said “I’m beginning to like him.” And at the end No.6 didn’t seem too happy when the Supervisor-No.26 said “We’ll need the body for evidence, he smashed his glass in anger at that!
   It seems to me, to be an awful lot of trouble to go to in finding so many replacement No.2’s as each one either fails in their task, or comes to a natural end of his or her term of office, possibly due to having taken leave, or about to retire. To select a new No.2, say from within the British Civil service, then to have him or her taken to The Village, and then to fly the out-going No.2 out and the new 2 in. This to my mind suggests that all the No.2’s seen in The Village are pre-selected, and well in advance, otherwise how would it be possible to replace No.2 in ‘Arrival’ with a new No.2 so quickly? Also in ‘Free For All,’ the new No.2 has been there all the time, masquerading as No.58. And then look at those interim No.2’s required before that episode of ‘It’s Your Funeral’ while No.2 has been on leave! It is always possible that people are promoted to the position of No.2 from within the Village, that would save the Village Administration a great deal of trouble.

Be seeing you

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