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Thursday 8 May 2014

Thought For The Day

    The former No.6 vindicated the right of the individual to be individual, and yet just how individual is/was No.6? Is it possible that 'the Prisoner' is all about doppelgangers, look-a-likes, and twins? After all there was No.12 the schizoid man, as well as No.1 Perhaps that's it, No.6's twin had been responsible for The Village, but he's turned out to be a monomaniac! So they thought to replace him with his twin or look-a-like, just like in the novel 'The Prisoner of Zenda,' and 'The Man In The Iron Mask.' And when it comes to identical twins, there is the electrician and the gardener. No.113b the photographer for The Tally Ho, and 113c the operator of The Tally Ho newspaper dispenser. And look-a-likes such as No.14 assistant to No.2 in 'Hammer Into Anvil' bears a strong resemblance to No.22 assistant to the retiring No.2 in 'It's Your Funeral' and vice versa. And No.8 also in 'It's Your Funeral,' there's a woman who also works in the Cipher Room who bears a strong resemblance to her. And the password "Gemini" the sign of the twins, as used in 'The Schizoid Man,' although that might not be an indication, but merely a caprice on the part of No.2.
    We all have a double or doppelganger somewhere in the world, it just so happens No.6 has two in the Village. Or one, if like me, you count Curtis and No.1 as the same person, in that Curtis was resuscitated soon after he was attacked by the Village Guardian, much in the same way they resuscitated the "late" No.2 in 'Fall Out.'

Be seeing you

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