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Saturday 1 October 2011

A Favourite Moment In The Prisoner Comes when........

....................... The Prisoner receives the first genuine act of kindness since his abduction to the Village, when a young gypsy girl give the Prisoner a cup of tea or broth, she even smiles at him before setting him on his way to a road.  Be seeing you


  1. You say that you are 'concidered' leading authority on 'the Prisoner.'Do you have an editor? You have poor spelin for an author and in these days of spell-checks you really don't have an excuse for poor spelin!

  2. Hello Yaremus,

    You certainly want to know a lot, even though you give nothing away about yourself, I checked out your page here at Blogspot.

    I am the world's only 'Prisonerologist,' a title which was bestowed upon me, and not one I have given myself. As for being considered a leading authority on 'the prisoner,' well that is for others to say, as they have.

    As for my spelling, its as good as your deliberate miss spelling in your comment. The thing about my blog posting, is that I post it, and then spell-check it later. A peculiar way of doing things you might say, but it's the way I do it, and to be quite frank,I've explained quite enough.

