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Saturday 1 October 2011

Thought For The Day

   There was a time, and the older genration will remember, when the British workman was accused of 'drawing the job out,' making the job he was doing last longer that it actually should be.
   Take this fellow No.42, he's painting a wall when he is approached by No.6 and the Rook. No.6 asked 42 if he painted this, to which 42 said 'Yes.' and that if he, No.6, wasn't satisfied, he'd paint it again!
    No.6 said that he was satisfied, and the Rook agreed. But the next day, when No.6 again  approaches 42, giving him the password 'Tonight at Moon set, Rook to Queen's Pawn Six check,' he is still painting that part of the wall! Either someone wasn't satisfied with 42's work, and he had to paint that wall again, or he's drawing the job out, making it last longer than it should!  BCNU.

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