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Saturday 10 August 2013

Caught On Camera!

  This image was taken during routine surveillance on the day of the Prisoner's arrival in the Village. After an aerial tour of the Village, the next port of call was the Old People's Home. Who is that sat on her own at one of the tables? It's Number 9!
    Number 9 of course would later be assigned to Number 6, after having been assigned to Cobb. So why is Number 9 sitting all alone? I would have expected Cobb to be sat with her, unless he's already in the hospital.
   I wonder what people like Number 9 do in the Village between assignments? It looks like they spend a good deal of their time in their own company. I should think rather like Observers who never get involved with life, the same could be said of people like Number 9. That she cannot allow herself to get involved, because her next assignment might be with someone she knows! For some, it seems that life in the Village can be a very lonely one!

Be seeing you

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