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Monday 12 August 2013

The Therapy Zone

Observation and Information
   On the observer front, I wonder why the observers did not pick up on the disturbance within No.6's cottage as No.6 and Curtis fight their way through it on the evening of The Schizoid Man.
    Have you ever observed how during the fight between No.6 and No.14 during ‘Hammer Into Anvil,’ that nothing is actually smashed or broken during that fight. Well save for the French door, through which No.6 hurls No.14 through and the railing of the balcony beyond.
    The password given by No.6 on the evening of ‘The Schizoid Man’ was Gemini, but one of the Guardians said "That's not the password" but they'd got the wrong man, because for No.6 the password was correct. Hadn't No.2 bothered to informed them?
    Even though the Prisoner had resigned his job, he still felt a measure of loyalty to his ex-colleagues, after all he went running back to them at the first, second, and even third opportunity. Even though he had been betrayed by Fotheringay and the Colonel the first time.
    Two pieces of valuable information learned by the Prisoner - firstly that he knew which side runs the village, and secondly the location of the said village.
    The Village enjoys a temperate climate, as is it hardly ever rains
    "Showers later" mind you the British always like talking about the weather!
    It can be observed that No.6 has nicotine stained fingers. Possible evidence of a chain smoker? Well No.6 hardly ever smokes, well we only see him actually smoking once, that was the time he was locked in the Jailhouse in ‘Living In Harmony.’ So Pat McGoohan was the heavy smoker!
    Pat McGoohan didn't smoke black Russian cigarettes, he smoked white cigarettes - Senior Service cigarettes.
    When Nadia had just arrived in the village, the first person she met was No.6. She asked him for directions to the No.2 the Green Dome, and asked if he could take her there. No.6 sounded like an old hand in the village. "To the Green Dome certainly. Across the Square, across the Street, up the steps, you can't miss it."
No.6 salutes and greets a passer by.
   No.8  "It sound like a salute."
   "It is."
   "Can you get a taxi here?"
   "Local service only."
   "Where will they take you?"
   "Anywhere you like, as long as you arrive back here in the end, that's why they're called local!"
    "Who are these people, why are they here?"
   "Why are you?"
   Number 6 is also beginning to sound like an interrogator at this point!
    At the age of 17 Nadia was an Olympic bronze medallist. Curtis said it was good agricultural stuff, No.6's fencing that is. But that it wouldn't have got him his place on the Olympic team! so who is Curtis speaking for, himself, or in the guise of No.6?

    Why the number 6? That's a question I have often heard being asked within the field of Prisoner appreciation. Well how I respond to that is, what's in a number? After all if Pat McGoohan had used any other number for the Prisoner, say 3, 8, 245, would we really have been so bothered? Would we really be so concerned, and want to know why, or have treated the Prisoner any differently whatever his number might have been? No, of course we wouldn't. It's not the number that matters, it's the man, the individual, behind the badge that counts.
    Mind you having said that, it's just as well it wasn't 7. There is no number 7 in the village, Number 7 doesn't exist! And then where would the Prisoner have been, well not in the village that's for sure! Hey, that's cool! "I'm No.7, I am not a number, I am a free number - because I don't exist! And yet there are a number of 7’s that appear in ‘the Prisoner’ series.

Bomb Scare Hits Village
    I wonder what made No.2 think that it must have been a bomb inside that Cuckoo Clock? Okay No.2 came to the conclusion that No.6 was a plant, sent here by his masters to spy on them, but a bomb? I don't think that assassination was on No.6's mind, simply to play on No.2's growing paranoia!
   Yet the alert went out and the bomb squad sent for, and they carefully, and with some amount of trepidation, packed the Cuckoo Clock into a green litter bin. the two bomb disposal men's only protection from a possible explosion, were the two hard hats they wore!                                                    
   The device having been packed in the green litter bin, was then carefully carried down the steps of the Green Dome by No.35 and No.61, the Cuckoo Clock having been left at the foot of the front door of the Green Dome by No.6.
    It was the two on-lookers who contacted the Tally Ho after watching the bomb disposal team carrying out their work. The green litter bin containing the suspect device was carefully driven away in a taxi to be deactivated by Bomb disposal expert No.243, pictured here.                                                      
    In a sand-bagged area No.243 carefully dismantled the suspect device, the Cuckoo Clock. And after several careful minutes, that is exactly what No.243 found it to be, and demonstrated his feelings to No.2, by tilting the wooden Cuckoo at him! Cuckoo, Cuckoo, Cuckoo!                         
  I tried to get a comment from No.2, but he simply swept past myself and my photographic colleague No.113b, "Oh get out of the way!" was No.2's passing comment!
    Needless to say the bomb threat was not real, and turned out to be a waste of Village resources, as well as wasting the time of the members of the bomb disposal team. Why The Village should actually have a bomb disposal team in the first place is a wonder?!

Be seeing you

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