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Saturday 3 August 2013

Village Life - Continued!

    No.2 "What are you waiting for?"
    No.14 "You're going to open the envelope sir?"
    "Well obviously, it's the only way I can see what's inside it!"
    "Do you think that's wise sir? After all the envelope is not addressed to you."
    "Do you know anyone called Johnny Prisoner?"
    "No sir."
    "Neither do I. And even if we did, we do not use names in the Village."
    "Well we do sir, in certain situations."
    "Alright fourteen you can go."
    "But I thought....."
   "Don't think, just obey orders. This envelope could contain sensitive information to which you may not be privy."
   "I won't look."
   "Alright, but close your eyes."
     {So what does No.2 discover in the envelope? Find out next time}
Be seeing

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