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Sunday 11 August 2013

What's that No.6 Up To?

   No.6 "Where to guv?"
   No.53 "So they've got you working at last have they?"
   "That's right guv. So where do you want to go?"
   "Take me to the crossroads."
   "Oh I can't take you that far guv, we're only the local service."
   "Well just take me to the Crossroads, that's just as far as I want to go."
   "Look matey, I just told you we're only the local service!"
   "I heard you. But I only want to go as far as the Crossroads!"
   "And I told you.... look what if I took you as far as the Cafe. You could think it over, over a cup of tea and an iced bun"
   "Think what over?"
    "Look, if I drove you as far as the Crossroads everyone will want to go to the Motel!"
    "What, what Motel? I didn't know the Village has a motel. Where is it..... no don't tell me, it's at the crossroads."
   "Well it would be, that's why it's called Crossroads. It's self explanatory I'd have thought. So where to guv?"
   "The Cat and Mouse night club."
   "It's only four in the afternoon, the Cat and Mouse won't be open yet."
   "Well I can wait. Five minutes in your company, and you're likely to drive anyone to drink!"


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