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Monday 7 November 2011

Thought For The Day

     If I have learned anything about both the Prisoner and the Village, is that everything there is done for a reason. Take the Village Postman who delivers No.6's invitation the the Carnival in Dance of the Dead, what I mean is, the Postman has a Penny Farthing bicycle with him. I've often wondered why, because as far as I can see no citizen in the Village is ever seen to be riding a Penny Farthing bicycle, its always pushed around. But I suppose its the image that matters, the projected image of the Postman riding his postal round on a Penny Farthing, dismounting outside '6 Private' to deliver No.6's invitation to the Carnival, before mounting his Penny Farthing once more and peddling off on his way. Fanciful, well why else would the Village Postman have a bicycle if not to ride it?
Here are two photographs displaying two Postmen on their Penny Farthing bicycles. I have no idea the date of the first picture, but the second is attributed to be from the 1930's. So you see, a Postman in the Village riding a Penny Farthing would not be an unusual site, but an everyday occurrance. Just a pity that the television viewer does not see it!  Be seeing you

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