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Sunday 6 March 2011

Thought For The Day

    The trouble with the Prisoner is, that no attempt was made to link each episode, not until Once Upon A Time and Fall Out. But even then, Once upon a time was filmed long before the final episode, and as such, was a 'stand alone' episode, just like those preceeding it, and was originally intended to be screened much earlier than it is in the series. So not having access to an original script of Once Upon A Time, I can only imagine that No.2 would have died, it having to be either No.2 or No.6, until death do they part. And so originally No.2 would have died in Once Upon A Time, without chance of resuscitation. It was only because of Fall Out, when Leo McKern was brought back for the final episode, that No.2 was resuscitated, and brought back to life!
Be seeing you

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