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Sunday 2 October 2011

'We're All Pawns M'Dear'

    Is that what No.8, the white Queen was, a pawn to be used in the game of No.2 against No.6, but in the doctor-No.22's psychological game? Is there nothing that woman would not stoop to? Having hypnotised No.8 into thinking that she was in love with No.6, and he with her, was bad enough. But then to use her in an experiment previously conducted on dolphins.....but at least she didn't go so far as to have the reaction transmitter implanted into No.8's brain, but give her long enough and............ I have often wondered about No.8-the white Queen, and what it was that brought her to the Village in the first place. I mean to say, she couldn't possible have been important to them, or was she? What was No.8 doing in the hospital in the first place? Perhaps she was simply a patient who had been selected for this latest experiment. Or it might be that in Checkmate No.8 was simply undergoing a new experiment in a series of experiments, that she had been used in before.
   Of course No.8 is assigned to No.6, but not in the usual way, for No.8 is in love with No.6. She adores him, she'll follow him like a dog, and the reaction transmitter in the locket about her neck will send her emotions to control. In effect No.8 has become part of the Village alarm system. Because if she thinks she is going to lose No.6, that he's going to attempt to escape, her emotions will send an alarm to control.
   No.8 volunteers to help No.6 with his escape plan, if its a good one. No.8 has often helped others with their plans, but none of which have ever succeeded, and it is this which gives colour to the idea that No.8 has been used in other such ways against anyone who is thinking of escape, such as No.6.
   So what happened to No.8? Originally she was to have gone aboard the M.S. Polotska with No.6. But for some reason this was changed for the actual episode. We do not see No.8 again after she had managed to lose the locket to No.6 that time down on the beach. Perhaps she had been taken back to the hospital, the hypnosis reversed, and then assigned to someone else, the doctors experiment having failed!
    No.6 is a very handsome, and attractive man, therefore it is no wonder that the Village administration use women against him. The first was the maid-No.66. Then came No.9 who gave No.6 the Electro Pass. Nadia Rakovski was next, and 'B' quickly followed, with the doctor-No.14 putting the words in 'B's' mouth! And so the list quickly mounts with No.50-Monique the Watchmakers daughter the last in any such attempt against No.6. We see No.6 againing the trust of other men from time to time, but no man is set to gain the trust of No.6, to get close and chummy, not like 6 did with 58-the Rook. It's no wonder the Rook put No.6 to his own test, and found him wanting! No.66 the ex-Admiral was not as such an old fool as we might at first think, he knew more than he was letting on, for as he said to No.9 'We're all pawns m'dear!' To be used in someone elses game?  I'll be seeing you.

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