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Friday 1 February 2013

At The Waters Edge with our own reporter

    It was reported that there are citizens standing in the water looking out to sea. So as your own reporter I was duly despatched to investigate what all the fuss was about.
    When I arrived a number of citizens were still standing gazing out to sea. Even No.6 had come down to the waters edge to see what it was all about. "What are they doing? I asked him. "Looking for a sign from their world, a light, a boat, a plane."
   Not getting any sense out of No. 6, I asked a man with a camera "What are you filming?" "We are waiting" he told me. "Waiting for what?" "Not what, who" another man interjected. "Who are you waiting for?" I asked "No.58." "No.58, you mean the Rook?" "He indeed" said another. "Well he won't be coming from the sea" I said. "Oh yes he will. No.58's been conducting a coastal survey for Number 2" the man with the camera explained. "I see" I said with some doubt "How long has No.58 been away on this coastal survey?" The group of men looked at each other "Six months" came the reply.
   I saw No.6 looking on the scene in some disgust. "What's wrong?" I asked him. "He's went and gone and done the dirty on me!" "Who?" "The Rook. While I was meeting with the rest of my reliable men at the stone boat, the Rook was picked up by a boat off-shore, now he's.... somewhere else!" "You mean No.58's escaped?" "What do you think after six months!"
   No-one can actually say what happened to No.58-the Rook. Perhaps he was picked up by a boat at sea. Or on the other hand, due to the un-seaworthiness of his craft, its more likely that he died in an accident at sea.

your own reporter
Photographer No.113b

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