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Sunday 3 February 2013

The Therapy Zone

Information And Observations
    You know it's never easy gaining any such information, you should ask Number 2 about it. After all he or she, has never once succeeded in gaining any such information from Number 6, well save for the time of his birth that is.
    Number.6 almost told them why he resigned after hearing ‘The chimes of Big Ben’ I resigned because for a very long time....... It being a matter of conscience.
    During ‘Once Upon A Time’ Number 6 did eventually relent and told No.2 why he resigned. "For peace of mind. Because too many people know too much." Well either No.2 wasn't listening, or he didn't believe him, as he asked him again to which No.6 replied "You've been told." And so apparently were we!
    It would appear that umber 6 was rebelling against the figures!
   That long room filled with grey filing cabinets puts me in mind of the warehouse in Raiders of the Lost Ark, seen again in The Crystal Skull. A warehouse somewhere in the Arizona desert. A warehouse in which the American government put all their secrets. Just as the village place all the pieces of information in those many grey filing cabinets.
    After giving No.6 a damned good beating, where it does not show, why then did they remove his piped blazer? Because as No.6 is manhandled into the new No.2's office, No.6 is not wearing his piped blazer, where as a few moments previous, in the cave, he was. Or is this a simple case of the lack of continuity with the episode of Free For All?
   Of course the episode of ‘Free For All’ went according to plan, right down to the beating served upon No.6 in that cave. Well when No.6 was taken to the Green Dome, there was an ambulance with a Red Cross trailer parked near the steps. And no doubt the two medical orderly’s were standing by someplace, as they were on hand to carry No.6 from the Green Dome to his home.

    Derren Nesbitt - No.2 Its Your Funeral "It is so illogical to have all these Number two's coming from somewhere and going nowhere, and so the audience had to try and make logical a totally illogical situation, and make it err logical for them. And that's some of the mystique."
   Bernard Williams - Production Manager on the Prisoner "It had to be different Number two's otherwise the show would have got boring. That was the worry of the finance guys, and the networks in the States was, it's very unusual to see a show where a guy fails at the end of each show. Because every show normally he wins, beats up all the baddies and everyone lives happily ever after. In the Prisoner series he never gets out. So that's a "downer." So if you have the same Number two all the way through, they're both "downers." You can't have two "downers," you can't have a guy who fails to brainwash him, and break him down. And neither can you have Patrick Getting out, so that would have been a killer."
   George Baker the new No.2 in 'Arrival' "Pat didn't want anybody to know why they changed, just another Number two appeared. And I think that part of it was the fear thing, putting everybody on edge."
    Bernard Williams - Production Manager "All the Number two's are very English. Maybe looking back we should have had some foreigners there, because it makes you think it's the British government all the time."

Dangerous Moments
   Any moment is a "dangerous moment" when caught in a fist fight with Number 6, pictured here in a fist fight on the beach during his first escape attempt in Arrival.
    Other fights involving Number 6 have seen him half killing, or half strangling his adversaries. No.100-Mark Eden of Its Your Funeral for one, and Gunther- Dennis Chinnery of 'Many Happy Returns' for another.
   And what about that struggle for life for Leo McKern in ‘Once Upon A time?’ Watch the struggle between McGoohan and McKern who really does struggling for his life, as McGoohan really goes for it. In fact Leo McKern thought McGoohan had "lost it" and really was going to kill him! Such is the real brutality of that scene.

Be seeing you

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