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Thursday 7 February 2013

The Therapy Zone

Science Can Be Perverted!
   Obviously ‘The Prisoner,’ in his former life, believed in Doctor Jacob Seltzman, and in his work enough as to want him hidden from both sides!
    During the episode of ‘Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling’ the use of Seltzman's mind transference technique used by the village administration is clearly explained to us by No.2. But what application can Doctor Seltzman's work be put to? Well one example would be, of a person who's mind is housed in a paralysed body, or ones body is old, but the mind still active. But of course such a technique would obviously have to be restricted, well as we know, "Science can be perverted!"

Number 6 Is All At Sea!
  It's all fine and dandy sitting there watching No.6 in calm waters having a shave. But the question is, could No.6 have actually survived 25 days at sea aboard an open raft?
 No.6 had tinned provisions, and a cask of water. How long this food and water would have lasted we have no way of knowing, nor had No.6 any idea of how long he would have to be at sea before he encountered land fall.
    The only set of clothes he has, are the ones he wears. He would have been wet, cold, with no warm clothing, so the possibility of suffering from hypothermia, and exposure to the elements. By the time those supposed gun-runners turned up No.6 had collapsed from exhaustion. And if those supposed gun-runners had not turned up when they did, what might have happened to No.6?
    According to No.6, he slept 4 hours out of each 24, and in those 4 hours the raft, but he had no sea or drift anchor to keep the raft from drifting off course while he was asleep. And so having no sea or drift anchor the raft could be carried along in any direction by the currents!
   On a north easterly course No.6 would have had to cross the Bay of Biscay, a notorious sea, which more often than not enjoys 65 foot waves. No.6 has no life line, wears no life jacket or belt, and so one wave could easily have swamped both the raft and No.6, washing him overboard! But of course No.6 could not have known this, because he didn't know where he was sailing to, because he didn't know where he was sailing from!
   In the real world there is no-way that No.6 could have survived on that open raft for 25 days at sea. But in fiction, we know that anything is possible. Besides, if No.6 had died at sea, they'd have been no more series!
  And by way of a Caught On Camera, I can see the sea bed! Well that’s because the raft is actually moored but a few years off-shore!
      There always seems something rather sinister in the title ‘Many Happy Returns.’ After all it's not a celebration of his birthday, although No.6 is returned to the village on March 19th, there being only 6 lighted candles on the birthday cake. No, it's that word "happy." There's nothing "happy" about No.6 having been returned to the village, he simply accepts it as a fait accompli.

Be seeing you


  1. Shallow water only, not meant to be of any symbolic significance... - BCNU!

    1. Hello Arno,

      Indeed not, but it's at a time when No.6 is supposed to be at sea when we see the shallow water!


  2. I learned once that in fact there are shallow areas, mountain peaks, in the middle of the ocean so can virtually stand upright. Not that it matters at all. - BCNU!

    1. Hello Arno,

      Indeed you are correct, but the route No.6 must have taken on a north-easterly course from the Village, into the Atlantic, and possibly the Bay of Biscay, I cannot find any shallows!

      Kind regards
