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Monday 4 February 2013

The Therapy Zone

    The Alouette helicopter, where does it come from, where does it go? I mean it can only have a range of some 186 miles, staying airborne for 90 minutes at a stretch. But in any case No.2 in ‘The Schizoid Man’ said that it was just a quick flip in the helicopter to the landing stage, from where no doubt anyone departing The Village goes on from, either by air or sea, perhaps even by road. And of course vice versa when anyone is being brought to the Village, first dropped off at the landing stage, and then brought on to The Village by helicopter. Doesn't take much think about does it, not when you put your mind to it.
   The Great Seal of Office as worn by No.2 at all ceremonies. Well why isn't No.2 wearing it during the election period of ‘Free For All? After all, isn’t Appreciation Day just an opportunity of retiring the former No.2, to bring in a new No.2, and during that ceremony The Great Seal of office is worn by both No.2's as part of that ceremony, the departing No.2 and the new No.2. And is that basically what happens in 'Free For All', the old No.2 is replaced by a new No.2. The "ways and means" might be different, but the principle and effect is just the same. But why no Great Seal of Office worn byeither No.2 in 'Free for All?' Well obviously the idea of the Great Seal of Office was not written into the series until 'It's Your Funeral' by scriptwriter Michael Cramay.

And The Bond Connection!

    James Bond film Gold Finger. Now as you know Mister Goldfinger had a mute Butler who went by the name of Oddjob. Now I have no idea if Oddjob was the first mute Butler to appear in literature, but I can tell you who the next one was, the supposed mute Butler and manservant to No.2!
   Now that is not the only other Bond Connection with the Prisoner. There is a scene in Thunderball in which James Bond uses a pole to secure Count Lippe in a steam-box, and that's just what the girl who was death does to Mister X at the Turkish baths! And finally there's Moonraker, the novel not the film, in which Drax is planning to destroy London by the use of a nuclear device and a German WWII V2 rocket, just as Schnipps was planning to do in the episode The Girl Who Was Death, in fact the central plot for this episode of the Prisoner seems to be lifted from the Moonraker novel! After all Schnipps is planning to destroy London by a missile, and originally Schnipps was to have been a German scientist, perhaps even Hitler himself!

Be seeing you, and if not shaken, then a bit stirred!

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