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Tuesday 5 March 2013

Thought For The Day

   If Two is second to One in the scale of power distribution. Then the Supervisor must surely be second to Two. And yet I was wondering if this particular Supervisor isn't on a higher level in the power stakes. There he sits as a delegate on the Assembly. It has been said that the Supervisor takes his seat under the title of IDENTIFICATION, only he doesn't. That's the delegate who dispenses the Prisoner's key to his house, his passport valid for anywhere. Travellers cheques a million, and a drawstring purse of petty cash. Where the Supervisor goes, I cannot tell. For watching the surveillance film footage, the Supervisor is there presenting Sir to the President, then the's gone! I know there is a spare seat on the Assembly, perhaps that is the seat the former Supervisor takes.
   And yet, in 'Once Upon A Time,' this supervisor becomes on a parallel to No.2, because he is promoted to the position of No.2 by No.2 himself....even if it was for only a week. The only question is, while the Supervisor is busy taking his seat as a delegate on the Assembly in 'Fall Out' during the question of democratic crisis, who then has been left in charge of the Village?

Be seeing you


  1. Hi David,
    I like that idea that the Supervisor holds a high rank of power. In fact he is the one who gathers and spreads information, or at least gives it forward to No2, isn't he? What if he decides to hold back information? Or to alter it? He has immense power to betray people or help them out, I can imagine. Well, ok, at least if not one of the oberservers decides to decide on his own, and as long as there is noOne who supervises the supervisor.

    As for the question who runs the village during his absence, maybe he has a substitute amongst his observers? Or the sheep are all securely held in their stables, maybe spellbound by a very interesting TV programme or likewise.

    Best wishes

    1. Hello Jana,

      An interesting comment and put most elloquently. I had not considered who was in charge of the Village while the Supervisor was wrapped up in the precedings of 'Fall Out.' the Supervisors assistant perhaps, or some other trustworthy underling, as you suggest.
      Or perhaps all the citizens are sedated, like the way there are at the beginning and end of 'Many Happy Returns.'

