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Thursday 7 March 2013

Who's That On the Telephone?

    "Hello who's this?"
    "You're not Alison!"
    "Who's Alison?"
    "I wanted Alison."
    "Well there's no Alison here."
    "This is Number Twenty-four?"
    "No, I'm Number Six."
    "Oh no, not again. If that's you Frank!"
    "I haven't asked you who you are."
    "Me, I'm Number Six."
    "Ha! You can't be."
    "Why not?"
    "Because I am. Well at least I think I am.
    "Aren't you sure?"
    "Well I woke up thinking who I am. Then I felt my moustache.........
    "Ah, well there you are you see."
    "No I don't see."
    "Well No.6 doesn't have a moustache!"
    "Yes, well I looked in the mirror, and I found myself looking at somebody else!"
    "Who was it?"
    "Well it couldn't possibly be anyone else then could it?"
    "But my number?"
    "What about it?"
    "I went to look in the wardrobe, and pinned to the lapel of of my blazer was twelve!"
    "Well there you are then, that's who you are."
    "But I don't feel like a Number Twelve, it's all very strange this morning. I feel more like a Number Six!"
    "But that's me!"
    "Perhaps we're twins!"
    "Perhaps we're twins. Have you got a brother?"
    "No, neither have I."
    "Well it can't be that then."
    "Well what is it?"
    "Damned confusing that's what it is!"


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