What are your fifty favourite scenes in
‘the Prisoner?’ Do you have fifty favourite scenes, and if you have can you
list them? I’ve been sat here with a pencil and piece of paper and I have
managed to list mine, but in no particular order. It begins in ‘Arrival’ when
Number 6 is attempting to escape in a Mini-Moke. I’ve wondered what it is in
the sand that the Mini-Moke collides with to throw
the Prisoner out of the vehicle. Because had he remained in the vehicle he’d
have been alright and Rover wouldn’t have got him, so perhaps that’s the point,
as it is in a similar scene, but on water in a jet boat in ‘Free For all!’
Daily Number 6 climbs the Bell Tower, he’s constantly watching, waiting,
perhaps he simply likes the view. Well on the day of his arrival in The Village
the Prisoner climbed the Bell Tower because he thought he saw someone
leaning out of one of the windows. But when he got there it was only a statue,
well that’s the impression given. Even if it isn’t right!
Number 2 and Number 6 enjoying a nice
cup of tea together during ‘The Chimes of Big Ben’ whilst watching Number 8
waking up in what she thinks is her own home, how many lumps was it Number 6?
When Number 6 subtly puts the loudspeaker in the refrigerator bringing peace
and quiet to his cottage.
Potter, as Number 2’s assistant,
suggesting that there are methods they haven’t used yet against his old
colleague. Has Potter been promoted, he was certainly underemployed in the
Labour Exchange! Mind you Potter’s new found position doesn’t last long, seeing
as Number 2 doesn’t really require an assistant, or perhaps it was his remark
made about Number 6 that saw him relegated to the Control Room!
In ‘It’s Your Funeral’ when the
watchmaker tells his daughter and Number 6 that he must get on with his work,
and having been discovered by Number 6 and Monique in the Bell Tower, “keep
away” shouts the watchmaker. At the end of the episode when Number 2 looks to
the sky, removes his spectacles for the last time, to see the helicopter turn
back towards The Village!
At the end of ‘A B and C’ when that
curved, over-sized red telephone begins to bleep, the look on Number 2’s face!
‘Hammer Into Anvil’ and Number 2 is
speaking on the telephone to Number 1 who asks if Number 2 requires further
assistance, and Number 2 said he could manage. If he had trusted in his
assistant Number 14, then the outcome of the episode might have turned out
differently. There he is, Number 14 dozing in an armchair in the foyer of the
Green Dome. As soon as he hears the pair of steel doors slide open he jumps to
his feet, stands to attention as he straightens his jacket, giving Number 2 the
impression that he’s been standing like that all the time! But he gets his just
deserts when Number 6 throws him out of his cottage through the French window
taking the balcony railings with him!
Jumping to ‘Living In Harmony,’ The Kid
being gunned down in the street. The Judges “boys” giving the new Sheriff a
lesson that it’s not safe to go about not wearing a gun, and Cathy when she
bites the Kid’s lip!
When Number 6 comes whistling into his
cottage. And later when everything that has happened to him is revealed in a
mirror, and again in ‘Do Not Forsake me Oh My Darling,’ when much the same
happens as well as restoring Number 6’s memory of The Village.
Number 2 suddenly realizing that
Number 6 wouldn’t drop his guard with his own grandmother, well it was worth a
try Number 2!
Potter working as a shoeshine
boy…..how did that man in the street get his shoes so muddy?
Mister X in the Magnum Record Shop,
very Mission: Impossiblesque wouldn’t
you say Mister
Mister X going through the butchers,
bakers, and the candlestick makers.
Number 6 discovering The Village
deserted. And just when he’s about to cast off and put to sea, there’s the
sound of broken crockery. At that point hope is suddenly dashed away. But when
Number 6 looks up and sees the cat hope is suddenly restored and he sets out on
his voyage of discovery.
Watching Number 6 take part in one of
those dangerous sports he mentioned in one of his electoral speeches in ‘Free
For All,’ namely Kosho in both ‘Hammer’ and ‘Funeral.’ And Watching Number 14
about to be dunked into that tank of water by Number 6, but isn’t!

In the Cat and
Mouse nightclub demanding an alcoholic drink! If only non-alcoholic drinks are
served in the Cat and Mouse, how did Number 6 appear to be intoxicated? And in
the Therapy Zone when Number 2 gives the toast “To hell with The Village,” the
first time I heard that I believed Number 2 actually meant that toast!
At Madam Professor’s art seminar when
Number 6 cannot find anything at all, but his favourite subject is military
history, General’s and that kind of thing. Later when Number 6 takes a walking
stick to the fake Professor’s head…how did he know, and why did Madam Professor
cry out? Was it because she thought her husband was about to be murdered in his
bed, or for the fact that her masterpiece was about to be destroyed? And when
Number 2 tells Madam Professor what it is Number 6 wants, what we all want
ultimately…..to escape!
John Drake, or is it Patrick McGoohan
handing in his letter of resignation from ‘Danger Man’ during the opening sequence
to ‘the Prisoner,’ well that’s one interpretation!
At the café when the Prisoner is
offered breakfast and then coffee. Then trying to make a telephone call, and
the taxi arriving on the spot just as the Prisoner was about to press the 1
button on the control panel of the electronic Free Information board.
The de-briefing session with Number 2 in
‘Arrival’ when ZM73 discovers that he’s been under close surveillance in
London, even to the point of in his own home, and then the briefing and aerial
tour of The Village by helicopter.
In ‘Checkmate’ the human chess match, and
Number 6 being instructed by Number 14 on how to distinguish between the
prisoners and the warders. Then Number 6 wanting a word with the gardener and
being told he’ll have to wait. Number 42 is more amenable, if his painting of
the wall isn’t satisfactory, he’ll paint it again! And the shopkeeper whose
books have never been checked before, but there’s always a first time isn’t
there! And the scene when Number 2 is “lurking” on the beach “Hello” he says to
the Rook. When Number 6 steals a taxi and he and the Rook go on a robbery
spree. First the surveillance camera, then a telephone from a kiosk, and
electrical equipment and screwdriver from the trailer of the electrics truck.
Number 2 being declared as being
unmutual by Number 86.
Number 56 telling Number 6 that
unmutualism is now more than just a game!
Number 42 instructing Number 6 about
the people turning away from Number 6, being socially conscience citizens, who
are provoked by the loathsome presence of an unmutual!
‘Dance of the Dead’ and Number 56 showing
off her new dress to Number 6, but she won’t last, the maids come and they go!
When Number 6 is sat on the Outlook listening to the radio, “Nowhere is there
more beauty than here. Tonight when the moon rises the whole world will turn to
silver. Do you understand, it is important that you understand. I have a
message for you, you must listen. The appointment cannot be fulfilled. Other
things must be done tonight. If our torment is to end, if liberty is to be
restored, we must grasp the nettle even though it makes our hands bleed. Only
through pain can tomorrow be assured.” I’m certain that’s the voice of Number 2
formerly of ‘Free For All’ {Eric Portman}! And when Number 6 tells the
gardener, attaching the window box.
“Supposing I don’t want any flowers?”
“Everyone has flowers for Carnival
tomorrow, be seeing you!
And finally the end of ‘Fall Out,’
because that’s the start of ‘Arrival,’ and the whole experience is about to
begin all over again!
seeing you