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Monday 9 May 2011

School Days

    Those were the days, the days that are gone. The faces forgotten, the memories linger on....Southminster.

  Headmaster "You were smoking in class."
   Pupil "I wasn't Sir."
    "It wasn't you boy?"
    "No Sir."
    "You know who it was?"
    "Yes Sir."
    "Who was it boy?"
    "I can't tell you that."
    "Why not?"
    "I'm a fool, not a rat Sir!"
    "I'm a rat?"
    "No Sir, I'm a fool!"
    "Who was it?"
    {The pupil remains silent}
    "You won't tell me who it was?"
    {Again silence}
 "That's cowardice boy!"
"That's honour Sir."
"You're smoking now dare you smoke in my presence?"
"Would you like one Sir?"
"What are they.....Woodbines?"
"No Sir, Senior Service."
"You are impudent boy.........for that you will take six of the best."
"I'd rather we sang the old school song together Sir."
"Yes Sir."
"Well, I'll get the organ out."
"I wouldn't do that Sir?"
"Why not?"
"Well the last time you did that, you got six months Sir!"
"For that boy, you will take twelve!"
"Twelve, so that I can remember Sir?"
"No boy. So that you won't be able to sit down for a week!"
{The Butler takes the pupil behind a closed door and dishes out twelve of the best}
Headmaster {sat playing the organ} "Corporal punishment, you can't beat it! Those were the days, the days, the days that are gone. The faces forgotten, the memories linger on..............."

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