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Wednesday 2 October 2013

The Throne At Last our own reporter investigates

    It strikes me that Sir, pictured here sitting on the throne, has something on his mind. Either he feels that something is wrong, something is missing, or perhaps he’s simply wondering if he’s turned the gas off or not!
   On the other hand, it could be that the Prisoner is quietly reflecting on the circumstances which have brought him to this state of place. His resignation, and subsequent abduction to the village. His arrival here, and the constant battle to maintain not only his identity, buy also his individualism. Of his refusal to settle down, to accept the village, or to give the reasons behind his resignation. Remembering his escape attempts, of his manipulation at the hands of his captors. Of the time he managed to gain the position of No.2, and his intervention in stopping the execution of a retiring No.2, in helping him and saving the village citizens from mass reprisals. Of his trial at the ‘Dance Of The Dead’. And more, all of which could be going through his mind at this very moment.
  But there comes a time when one has to leave the past behind, and brace oneself for the events of the future. That too must be playing on the mind of sir as he sits here, about to witness the trials of two men, one of whom had become a friend who had recently died!

your own reporter
Photograph by No.113b

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