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Thursday 10 October 2013

Thought For The Day

    The cemetary on the beach in 'Arrival', surely that cannot be a real cemetary, just think what happens when the tide comes in, it would be underwater. And think if the sand shifted, the grvaes would be washed away, or the coffins and their contents raised from their watery graves! Besides which, seeing as there isn't a body in Cobb's coffin, and therefore Cobb's funeral being fake, it gave rise to the thought that the graveyard is also fake, just for show!

Be seeing you


  1. We discussed Cobb's appearance at the Hospital, coincidence or not, was No. 6 really surprised, was Cobb a plant? The burial site may be unlikely and inappropriate and Cobb's funeral was probably staged. However, I think No. 6 wasn't suspicious at all, for once. He was new in the Village, he didn't know how things were going. And so he did not question the "cemetery" on the shore which he saw first from the helicopter.

    In later episodes the same graveyard is seen again although the focus of the action isn't on it that much. So, was it used despite everybody knew it was a fake? Just for the ceremony as such? - BCNU!

    1. Hello Arno,

      I'm surprised that the Prisoner took their word for it that Cobb had comitted suicide by jumping out of the window. But I suppose he had no reason to be suspicious. Having said that, he didn't make the same mistake when No.73 comitted suicide by jumping out of the hospital window, he went and looked out of the window for himself!

      Where do we see the same cemetary in 'Arrival' again? There is a second cemetary in 'Hammer Into Anvil,' but that one's not on the beach.

      I have to disagree, I'm not so sure the Prisoner did see the cemetary on the beach, the helicopter didn't over-fly the cemetary. No.2 tells the Prisoner that they have their own graveyard, but we do not see it during the aeriel tour of the Village.

      Very kind regards

  2. Strange, you may be right. I was thinking you saw the "beach cemetery" in "Arrival". Perhaps it is only mentioned by No. 2 but at the moment I cannot check this. The other one not on the beach...? So, then, it's all on your own "mind screen" isn't it. - BCNU!

    1. Hello Arno,

      Your comment got me thinking, and having gone through the aerial tour via my "mind screen," a phrase I like very much, I felt sure that we did not see the cemetary, that No.2 only mentioned it. So I cranked up the old DVD player and checked the scene, I was right. The only time we see the cemetary on the beach is during the staged funeral for Cobb.

      As for the other cemetary we see in 'Hammer Into Anvil,' it's not on th beach. When No.6 visits the cemetary and sees the head stones, 73 and 113's graves, they are under a willow tree, there is also a hardcore path, with green fields in the background.

      Very kind regards

  3. Alright! An update sometimes, not only for computers... I don't have the English text of the helicopter scene in my head. In the German version, however, No. 2 clearly says "There's our graveyard... but you must be more interested in our social life." I think it's aprroximately like this.

  4. Now, checked the English version, indeed No. 2 briefly on their helicopter ride: "We also have our own graveyard..." Probably my imagination was too vivid at that moment, so I must have had it right before my eyes, not only verbal. By the way, "mind screen" - a great term - isn't an invention of mine but the title of a cineastic book by Bruce Kawin. It's about "first person film" or what we see as through perhaps one of the characters in first person narration. Although I have the book I still know only portions of it. - BCNU!

    1. Hello Arno,

      The mind does play tricks on occasion. And I could have said I looked at the aerial tour of the Village though my "minds eye."

      Very kind regards
