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Saturday 5 October 2013

The Therapy Zone

Nadia A Plant
     So exactly which side was Nadia working for? Yes she spoke fluent Russian with an accent, she also spoke excellent English and was seconded to the Village at the same time as both the Colonel and Fortheringay.
   I think Nadia was working for the British, possibly a once defector now working for the other side. Unless of course the village Administration can call upon people from both sides, the International community that it is!

The Peaceful Atmosphere Of The Village
   The only person who can never enjoy the peaceful atmosphere of the Village is  - No.1.

    Just exactly when did No.6 stop using the village gymnasium and why? During the episode of ‘Hammer Into Anvil' No.6 happily uses the gymnasium to give No.14 a bout of Kosho. And again during 'It's Your Funeral' we see No.6 using the  gymnasium during a Kosho practice match. But then by the time of ‘A Change of Mind’ No.6 has his own private gymnasium in the woods, preferring his own privacy as he tells the two bully boys who approach him.
    So what happened for No.6 to take this attitude? He has always liked his privacy and doesn't always answer the door when anyone comes knocking. But of course this has not always been the case, I mean look how close Alison-No.24 got to No.6 in helping her with No.24's mind reading act of ‘The Schizoid Man.’ And of course there was No.8-Nadia, yes that still counts although Nadia was a plant and No.6 did have an ulterior motive.
    One can only speculate as to why No.6 decided to no longer use the village gymnasium. Perhaps 'they' got rid of No.6 because of his aggressiveness in the Kosho matches!

It Could Be A Fine It Could Be Imprisonment
    That's the threat issued by No.12 at No.6's piece of handy-work, that act of sabotage which was actually arrived out by No.12 during the Speedlearn celebrations during the evening of ‘The General.’
    A fine, well that would be meaningless as work-units are worthless, as for imprisonment - well No.6 is already in prison. So the next step could only be one of two things, house arrest or solitary confinement, both of which No.6 might rather enjoy - seeing as how he likes to keeps himself to himself - preferring his own privacy. After all No.6 doesn't always answer the door when people come knocking. So even the threat of solitary confinement or house arrest would not prove to be much of a punishment for No.6.

Be seeing you

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