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Friday 4 October 2013

Thought For The Day

    They say that Jim Caviezel's Six is nothing lkke that of McGoohan's No.6, but then he was never meant to be. Which then begs the question, fictionally speaking, is No.6 in the original series the first No.6? Well obviously yes, as the character No.6 did not exist until the script for 'Arrival' had been written. However No.240 told No.6 in 'Dance of the Dead' that the Village had been going for a long time, before the war even! So it stands to reason, fictionally speaking, that there had been any number of previous No.6's, which makes No.6 in 'the Prisioner' the new No.6, like Nadia Rakovsky was the New No.8!

Be seeing you


  1. Hello David,

    I agree with your thoughts that there might have been several different Number 6. But for the viewer this particular Number 6 was the only one (obviously) he or she has ever known. So the name is (for some inseparably) connected to this particular character.

    Regarding Michael/6 I've wondered if it would have helped the series if they had chosen to give him another Number. Maybe 8. I think this could have helped the viewer not to compare both series or at least to regard the new series as an independent approach.

    Best wishes,

    1. Hello Jana,

      I agree, Number 6, McGoohan's Number 6 is the one everyone has sympathies for or someone people can relate to. And perhaps that is why many people cannot accept Jim Caviezel's Six, that they have lived with McGoohan's Number 6 for too long.

      Regarding Michael/Six, yes again I agree. It may have helped if Michael had been given a different number 7 perhaps. I don't like the number 8, because that has too many connotations with the original series, more 8's than 6's!

      Very kind regards

  2. Hello David,
    yes, you are right. Number 8 might have been a bad choice. I don't know if I would have liked 7 (are there other 7s in the new series?), but what about 9? Thinking about McGoohan who told that he had chosen Number 6 because it could be read upside down, too.

    Very kind regards,

    1. Hello Jana,

      Yes, thinking more about it I take your point. Nine might have been a better number, an upside down Six.

      Very kind regards
