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Wednesday 14 November 2018

Thought For The Day

    Patrick McGoohan described Number 1 as being the alter ego of Number 6 who he was trying to beat, Number 1 being the darker side of the Prisoner’s nature. But which side of the Prisoner’s nature forced him to hand in his letter of resignation, was it Number 1? If so that would explain why Number 6 agonised over his resignation, that much is clear at the end of ‘A B and C’ when we see Number 6 lying on the operating table, whilst he is reliving that act of resigning on the wall screen over and over again. And that being the case, Number 1 didn’t need to know the reason why the Prisoner resigned, he knew all the time. And he knew that it would be difficult to make his alter ego talk. Not only that, he knew not to allow Number 2 to go too far against Number 6. Because to spoil Number 6 might mean reducing Number 1 to a man of fragments!  

Be seeing you

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