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Thursday 6 December 2018

The Therapy Zone

   The question being where did No.2 sleep? The Green Dome is an imposing building, but it’s not a house, No.2 doesn’t live there. It’s an office, albeit it an impressive futuristic minimalist office. In ‘A B and C’ No.2 rises up through the floor sitting in his chair, and looks to have had a bad night. It’s no wonder really when your first waking thought is of No.6! I’m not of the opinion that No.2’s sleeping quarters is a room just beneath the Green Dome, if anything No.2 its most likely to have that room in the Town Hall, you know the one. That elaborately decorated and furnished room where No.2 in ‘Dance of The Dead’ goes to send her report, and no doubt receive her instructions via that teleprinter. The room could be re-decorated and suitably furnished to suit each incumbent No.2, and serving as their quarters. After all the Control Room is situated beneath the Town Hall, and No.2 in ‘It’s Your Funeral’ is seen in the Control Room wearing his pyjamas and dressing gown, as his first waking thought was also of No.6! On the face of it, it does appear that No.6 has better accommodation than No.2, a four roomed cottage, when compared to a single room in the Town Hall. Also No.6 has his breakfast brought on a tray by his housemaid, which was probably cold when it arrived if that opening scene in ‘Dance of The Dead’ is anything to go by. Mind you having his breakfast brought to him on a tray by the maid was a privilege which was soon rescinded. Had both ‘Free For All’ and ‘Dance of The Dead’ preceded ‘The Chimes of Big Ben’ it would have made better sense of No.6 making his own breakfast. And yet Nadia did volunteer to boil two eggs for him that morning. But there is tea, toast, and marmalade, perhaps the maid brought those, as the maid did that morning of ‘Dance of The Dead.’ All she brought him then was tea, toast, and Marmalade. And this is where No.2 gains, who doesn’t require a housemaid, because he has the Butler to cook his meals, and can flick a duster around both the Foyer and No.2’s office.
   As for the Butler, he doesn’t live in the Green Dome, his accommodation is in the annexe at the back of the Green Dome. Its where he lives, eats, and prepares tea, coffee and meals for No.2 who eats his meals in his office, as well as making breakfast for new arrivals such as No.6, Curtis, and the Colonel, lunch in the case of Nadia seeing as she arrived later in the day.
    Then in ‘Hammer Into Anvil’ when No.2 has gone completely off his rocker,
accusing his Butler of being in on the conspiracy against him, and in a rage tells the little chap to get out of the house. The Butler then walks off camera, I imagine he goes back to his annexe in order to pack his bag, and collect his overcoat and bowler hat. Yet he does leave via the front door of the Green Dome, I suppose the back door to the annexe would be too ill fitting and menial to leave by, but it would have made an interesting shot. But instead the Butler elects to depart through the front door of the Green Dome, much more befitting to his status. One can only imagine that his first port of call would be the Citizens Advice Bureau, as then a homeless person, the accommodation he enjoyed obviously went with the job, he would want to know what his rights were. And once he was settled elsewhere he would need to go to the Labour Exchange in order to find a new position. But who else in the village would require a Butler or personal valet is difficult to imagine! So it’s lucky for him that the mistake was made, as he is reinstated to his former position as Butler to No.2 by the time of ‘It’s Your Funeral.’  

Be seeing you          

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