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Thursday 4 August 2016

Village Entertainment!

    “…….well if you think that was funny let me tell you another. There was an Englishman, Scotsman, and an Irishman walking across the desert. The Englishman carried an umbrella, the Scotsman carried a set of bagpipes, and the Irishman carried a car door……..”



  1. Dear David
    Just thought I'd drop in to see how things are doing in "Prisonerland". I've not been around for the past few months as I've been having fun on the French Riviera with the Persuaders and the Adventurer! ITC were responsible for the best things on television, weren't they!
    I love your new look blog too!
    Be seeing you again soon!

    1. Dear Nadia,
      Ah I see, you’ve been living the highlife with Lord Brett Sinclair and Danny Wilde, with a hint of danger with Gene Bradley! Didn’t you fancy travelling about living out of a suitcase with McGill?!
      Yes I agree, ITC were responsible for the best things on television, after ‘Danger Man,’ and ‘the Prisoner,’ my next favourite ITC series is ‘Man In A Suitcase.’

      Welcome back to The Village! The new look for my blog, its rather Prisoneresque I’m told.
      Looking forward to be seeing you soon.
      Best wishes

  2. That's a good one although, err, I fail to get the point. Perhaps it's a specifically British matter. E.g. Poles are often associated with cars, theft, people from East Friesland are considered a little nuts and so on. - BCNU, still making the best of our spare time.

    1. Hello Arno,
      I’m not surprised you don’t get it really, it is a British thing.
      I’ll be emailing you
