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Monday 20 February 2017

Special Imports!

    Cuckoo clocks, cameras, long playing records, cordless telephones, Portmeirion pottery {Penny Plain design}, and blue and white Cornish ware pottery, are all sold at one time or another in the General Store.
     The Cuckoo clocks obviously originated from Switzerland, while there were a variety of cameras for sale in The General Store, one of which was a Canon Dial 35mm camera. However the maker’s name of the camera used in the episode ‘Many happy Returns,’ is obscured with a piece of black tape. As is the name of and maker’s name on the ‘L’ shaped telephones used in The Village. However when it comes to Long Playing records, once again on sale in the General Store, the name of, even the picture of the artiste on the record sleeves, are not so easy to hide. Not from the citizens of The Village, oh no, but from the camera, so that those who are watching, no not the observers
.........but the television viewers!

Be seeing you


  1. Hello David, the cuckoo clock most likely does not originate from Switzerland, but from the Black Forest region in Germany. There is also a Swiss version, but it looks different from the one used in the series. For further information please refer to Wikipedia:

    Best regards
    Michael (aka No. 113b)

    1. Hello Michael,
      Thank you for your comment. I was not aware of this fact regarding the origin of the Cuckoo clock. And certainly looking at the one in 'Hammer Into Anvil' it does have a "Black Forest" look about it. Its solid and looks quite heavy. I'm obliged to you for the information, as well as the link.

      Best regards
      Be seeing you
