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Monday 2 July 2012

The Therapy Zone

   Changes To The Girl Who Was Death.

Potter says: Doctor Schnipps. Crazy scientist. Won't accept the war's over. For the past twenty-five years he's been building a super- rocket. To destroy London.
    Working backwards from 1967, this places him in 1942, firmly in the middle of the second World War. This echoed in a line from the girl who was death during the machine gun scene in the butchers shop.   My father was a great man. But the war ended before he was recognised. When London lies in ruins the will be a god.
    Later the girl is seen wearing a First World War Picklehaub Prussian helmet, and throws stick-grenades, issued in the Second World War, at Mr. X. and in the troops quarters, the pin-ups over the bunks are xxx 1939 Teutonic. There is a picture of Rommel. Another picture is of General Montgomery with blacked out teeth and a crude moustache drawn on him. On one of the bunks is a portable record player with a record on the turntable. The Prisoner switches it on. It is a record of Hitler ranting on at a Nuremberg rally.
    How things might have been!

A rememberance
    Mr. Jonathan Jones Remembers - who was local to Portmadog, and of Spetember 1966, he was in the Labour Exchange, when he was put in charge of recruiting film 'extras' for the production of 'the Prisoner.'

    "I was very friendly with Clough Williams-Ellis, although I think he was not very keen on having all those poeple at Portmeirion. Perhaps he didn't realise what would be involved when he allowed the filming there. He kept Portmeirion very select at that time you see. He was one of the 'old school.' The customers he had there were usually Diplomats, Princesses, Lord and Ladies, people like that. He didn't mix much with the film-crew but he followed them round picking up matches, cigarettes ends and bits of paper. He couldn't bear to see bits of cigarettes or anything like that in the village. I could see him picking up the litter every day."

Fifteen Minutes Of Fame
   Because of the Prisoner I have, in the past, enjoyed more than my fair share of 15 minutes of fame. Having been interviewed on television, television film crews coming to my house and being interviewed at home and at Portmeirion, on the radio as well when a radio presenter interviewed three fans of the Prisoner, who tried to make an idiot of me, but of course I was not playing ball! I've actually been taken for Patrick McGoohan on more occasions than I can recall, have played the role of No.6, and enjoyed appearing in Prisoner based video's as No.2, and appearing live on stage as the Prisoner-No.6, performing with Musician Edward Ball and his band The Times. The publication of 'The Prisoner Variations.' As well as appearing On French televison, in the French Magazine 'Le Voyager' and all because of ‘the Prisoner’ who has been very good to me over the years.

Be seeing you
Be seeing you


  1. @ Crazy scientist. Won't accept the war's over. For the past twenty-five years he's been building a super- rocket. To destroy London. @

    So that's what No6 was telling that policeman! "I saved London from the crazy scientist's rocket!"

    I wonder where the rocket landed instead......

  2. Hello Moor,

    Ah, I hadn't thought that is what the Prisoner is explaining to the policeman.

    Does the rocket in 'Fall Out' have landing capability? Fictionally speaking it could have. But I like to think of Number 1 sealed in the nose cone of the rocket, thinking of the Girl who was death as he plummets to Earth, as Number 6 might have done, had he hit town tied up in the rocket in 'The Girl Who Was Death.'

